Shipping and Returns
Orders are fulfilled within 2-5 working days. Delivery times from this point vary by country. Please see the table below. Please bear in mind that these are average times and actual times will vary.
Country | Time to dispatch | Delivery time (Postage) |
UK | 2-5 days | 1-2 days |
Germany | 2-5 days | 1-3 days |
EU | 2-5 days | 2-4 days |
European Economic Area | 2-5 days | 2-5 days |
USA | 2-5 days | 4-8 days |
Canada | 2-5 days | 5-10 days |
Australia & New Zealand | 2-5 days | 8-14 days |
Rest of the World | 2-5 days | 10-16 days |
Every product sold by Canvasmap is “made to order,” respectively “print-on-demand” which means it is specifically manufactured just for you only after you have placed your Order. Accordingly, Canvasmap does not accept refunds, returns or exchanges for Orders. Since Canvasmap acts on the principle of goodwill, exceptions are possible.
We are also unable to make any changes or cancellations to orders after 24 hours from the moment the Order is placed. If you believe you have made a mistake with your Order, please contact us immediately at support[at]